Is My Money Well Invested?

Jo came to us with a series of 5 pensions that she had built up through her life, all of which were Defined Contribution Schemes.

Investing money can sometimes feel like a scary prospect, especially if this is a new concept. But what if you are a seasoned investor? Are you confident that you are getting the best possible returns, most suitable level of risk, or highest level of service?

One of our clients, Graeme, came to us mainly out of curiosity. Graeme was already using the services of another IFA and had achieved 10% growth on his pension investment over the last 3 years. Even to us, this sounded fairly good, and Graeme was understandably happy and comfortable with his returns and the investment performance.

However, we wanted to investigate Graeme’s investment further. Continually reviewing your investments, or finances in general, is pivotal to your future success. Just because you have achieved something one year, doesn’t mean that you will continue to see positive results. But it’s more than that; after all, how can you be confident that you are getting the best returns possible if you don’t continue to regularly review your options.

With this in mind, Graeme asked us to research how his investment could have performed if he’d placed it elsewhere.

At Efficient Portfolio, we often use the services of an expert Discretionary Investment Manager. These qualified professionals will continually monitor our clients’ money to make sure that they maintain suitable growth and that the portfolios don’t become overly risky over time.

Our team compared Graeme’s existing pension investment with a comparable portfolio through our DIM and the results were surprising. We found that, if Graeme had invested with our DIM, he would have seen 25% growth on his investment, rather than the 10% he had received in the same timeframe.

Graeme decided to move his investment over to us, as he felt that the additional growth he could receive would help him to achieve his financial goals much quicker and enable him to do far more in his retirement than he could have hoped.

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