Our Charity 2021

Whether on a personal or business level, loss has been a tragic theme of the last 18 months. We’ve seen thousands of people sadly lose their lives, thousands more lose their jobs, and a multitude of sectors lose their ability to stay afloat.

It’s stark reminder about how fragile life can be and it’s led us as a business to question how we can collectively support others at this time.

According to recent statistics, 1 in 5 of UK charities has seen a sharp decline in their cash donations since the pandemic hit. The devasting reality is that charities across the board have lost millions in donations, just at the time when people need their services the most. So how many have lost the ability to help those in need? Will they ever be able to recover? And, most importantly, what can we do to help?

At Efficient Portfolio, we hold the firm belief that we have a responsibility to help our community. Each year we select a charity to support, and commit to raising funds through our events and donating 1% of our profit to our chosen cause. But this year, we want to do more.

Our Charity 2021
Our chosen charity for this year will be CALM (The Campaign Against Living Miserably). One of the most heart-breaking realities of the current crisis is the impact it is having on people’s mental wellbeing, and the devasting consequences of those who feel that there is no other option but to end their lives. Every week 125 people in the UK take their own lives. And 75% of all UK suicides are male. CALM exists to change this and lead a movement against suicide.
I’m sure you will agree, it is an incredibly worthwhile cause, especially in our current times.

How We Are Helping
Restrictions or not, we are committed to ploughing ahead with our events, whether these will need to be done virtually or in person. If previous events are anything to go by, we know that our charitable fundraising is massively boosted by your generous donations at our events, so they are an intrinsic part of our charitable strategy. Across the year we will be hosting numerous events for our clients and their guests. We will be sending our invitations very soon, but here is a taster of what’s to come:

  • May 2021: The Efficient Portfolio Golf Day
  • September 2021: Client Quiz
  • December 2021: Wine Tasting

We do also have some exciting ideas in the pipeline for other events to add to this year’s calendar, so watch this space. We will also be taking on some sporting challenges and we are in talks with CALM to see how the team can volunteer and contribute to their national campaign.

Book a chat with one of our team

The first step to achieving your goals is to discuss your concerns with a member of our team.